
We manufacture all types of Bell Metal crafts and our products are popular in India and abroad. The products range from Temple Idols to house hold items to office reception decorations and Trophies. Here is a list of popular Products that we make.

1. Panchaloha Vigraham (Panchaloha idols)

Idols of deities for Temples are usually made in Panchaloha, and some times in silver and gold as well entirely. It takes 2-3 months on an average to make idols of deities. Most regularly produced idols are Vishnu idols, Krishna idols, Bhadrakali idols, Nataraja idols and Lakshmi Idols. Most of the times these idols are made in our workshop and rarely at temple compound itself if one insists but there will be additional cost for that arrangements. we can also make arrangements for you to see the final crafting of the idols when you place an order with us so that you can directly add the silver and gold on the liquid metal we prepare for the final crafting.

2. Dasavatharam Vilakku (Anathashayana lamp)

The ten most famous incarnations of Vishnu are collectively known as the Dashavatara. These ten avatars are beautifully crafted on the arch of the Dasavathara Lamp and in the center of the lamp is where god Vishu is depicted in shayana posture with wifes Lakshmi and Bhumidevi sitting on snake Anantha. It is widely believed that Dashavathara Vilakku brings prosperity and blessings from lord Mahavishnu to you and family if you possess this item. Although these vilakkus are usually lit in Temples it can also be kept in your Pooja room without lighting and that by itself will bring prosperity to your family.

3. Lakshmi Vilakku (Lakshmi lamp)

Lakshmi Vilakku, also known as Gaja Lakshmi vilakku is popular all over Kerala and India. The goddess Mahalakshmi is portrayed as sitting on a full bloomed lotus with two tuskers (male elephant) on the sides is beautifully crafted on the center of Lakshmi Vilakku. It is widely believed that these lamps bring prosperity and wisdom to those in the house. This Vilakku is available in two models, 6Kg (Lakshmi with two hands) and 10Kg (Lakshmi with 4 hands + more decorations). See our product specific page for more info.

4. Deepasthambam (Layered lamp)

A traditional multi layered oil lamp (Pillar of Lamp) is known as Deepasthambam or Thattu Vilakku in some parts of the country. The Malayalam word Deepam stands for light and sthambabm meaning the Pillar and hence Pillar of Lamp or Deepasthambam. These traditional lamps are used in all the temples of Kerala and they are lit up daily or during the festival seasons and this creates a divine atmosphere in the temple and in the mind of devotees.

5. Vattalam and Uruli (Cooking vessels)

Large and shallow cooking vessels are called Vattalam or Vaarpu. Vattalam is traditionally used to cook food in Temples and for marriage functions. Nowadays Vattalams are also kept as decorative displays in big houses living room by filling up with water and adding flower petals in it. Miniature vattalams as called Uruli and they are used to cook meals at houses on a regular basis. The picture displayed above is around 100Kgs and will be about 40 inches in diameter.

6. Nilavilakku (Traditional oil lamp)

Most widely used traditional lamp in Kerala is called Nila Vilakku. Nila meaning floor and Vilakku meaning lamp. These lamps can be seen in almost every Keralites homes and also in Temples. These are made of special copper mix called Pithala to get the shine it needs and the shine can last for several years with going regular cleaning using cloths. The picture above shows six different Nilavilakkus interms of measurement and the tallest is about 6 foot that can be kept in Office premises or shop entrances other than usually meant for Temples.

7. Manichithrathazhu (Traditional door lock)

Traditional metal engraving design to cover the lock of the doors of Keralite houses are called Manichithrathazhu. There are people who still prefer this kind of metal engravings on their front door of the houses to have the rich traditional look. What is depicted in picture is the metal engraving design with an opening for the key hole and the actual lock will be procured by the house owners. There are two peacocks on the door that can be used as open and close handle for the door and there are metal-flower-heads that also goes into the door wood work.

We manufacture all types of bell metal handcraft products according to your requirement with confirmed orders. We do not use any clone copy techniques and all our products are entirely handcrafted and have an identity of its own as no products are same because it is hand crafted. Please contact us for all your Bell metal crafting needs and we will provide a price quote as early as possible.

#Tags: # Panchloha Idols | # Panchaloha Vigrahas | # Traditional Metal crafts | # Lakshmi Vilakku | # Gaja Lakshmi Vilakku | # Deepasthambam | # Deshavataram | # Deshavtar |# Traditional Vilakku | # Traditional lamp # brass idols | # brass deities | Metal oil lamp.